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Anime & Rutabagas • 1 year ago

For those who said RWBY isn’t a real anime....

Look at it now lol

Triduo • 1 year ago

We asked for it, now we'd better get what we're asking for ! èué

Clawzes • 1 year ago

I bet so many people are watching it and haven't watched all of volume 1 - 8 RWBY is my favorite anime/animation I'm still waiting for more seasons and episodes on it to. And this is a new series about something totally different.

TESK • 1 year ago

Wait really? So it's a whole new story? I watched all the originals so far. And this animation is great and all but for some reason the original still seems better to me idk y. Like is it just me or was the fight scenes better in the original??

NRZ. Gamez • 1 year ago

The Original showed more fight scenes than this one, but visual wise this one tops it, and this one follows the Original story its just that they added different scenes to it, new character and a new grim the Original didnt had in volume 1

Clawzes • 1 year ago

nvm this is actually whole different story volume 9 no release date yet but it's around July I think.

AnakinSLucien • 1 year ago

I agree the fight scenes are not as good...

Clawzes • 1 year ago

ya this is just volume 1 of 16 episodes anime version.

BeThomsen • 1 year ago

if rwby, a fcking awful show up until a certain moment, is your fav. something is clearly wrong with you...

Clawzes • 1 year ago

And The Original RWBY animation is based on the theme and setting and art work they want the story to have. Like Manga Adaption/Animation sometimes might keep that Manga type of theme and setting and the animation will be the same as the Manga. Some people will say it's bad animation but that's just the type of animation it is for different type of Manga or different type of content from different countries to different type of variations of animation there is in the world. So don't say it's bad animation.

BeThomsen • 1 year ago

seems like you commented to the wrong person

WaifuBodyPillow • 1 year ago

I didn't like reading or my first book until I was 70% of my way through the first one, does that mean somethings wrong with me or the book? no it means sometimes something clicks and we start awakening our enjoyment for something. Most people can understand needing to get deep into a show before really enjoying it, it's perfectly normal. Stop being a cuck.

You're likely a fucking zoomer who drops something the second they think they won't enjoy it rather than actually taking the time to see if they will. It's ok not to like something, but don't be such a wet fucking blanket.

Clawzes • 1 year ago

That's your opinion alot of people like the original and some don't like the original.

BeThomsen • 1 year ago

yep, if one likes bad writing, you do you

Clawzes • 1 year ago

And your technically saying that to people who like the original animation... but they can't see what you said and your saying this to me what about the other people who like the original animation ?

BeThomsen • 1 year ago


Aladdin • 1 year ago

Anybody who said that before is retarded tbh

Saftsack • 1 year ago

it wasn't? look up anime for 5 minutes and you will know it too. Whats with people not accepting the definition of already existing words.

Guest • 1 year ago
vovan1 • 1 year ago

yes, i remember this started as a test run, and took the internet by surprise.

the Finance Guy • 1 year ago

The story quality dropped after a few volumes, but the quality of the animation got better

Deathstar699 • 1 year ago

Its still animation therefore anime.

Playmaker58 • 1 year ago

Ah yes, my favourite anime : Tom and Jerry.

Deathstar699 • 1 year ago

Anime is literally Japanese for animation. It has no different meaning, I mean seriously only weebs place a meaning on anime thats higher than normal animation. Also Tom and Jerry is a cartoon. A toon or the like has a specific demograph aimed at kids.

Playmaker58 • 1 year ago

I know that anime stand for animation in Japanese. But words can have different meanings And connotations espescially if they're used worldwide. Anime might mean animation in japan but in France for example, anime means japanese style/made animation. And I believe thats the case for most countries anime refer to japanese animation. Another example would be the word for the color black in spanish. I dont have to explain this one but you see how the meaning of a word can vary depending on the setting.

Deathstar699 • 1 year ago

Fair enough, but its only referred in that fashion by people who have no hand in making it, therefore are they really an authority to use it as such a simple distinction? Food is food, we all have different ways of making food and different opinions on what food means to us but its food no matter where you go in the world. Anime/Animation is the same story. So giving the word gravity or elevating it thinking it has some elite status in comparison to other works is rather presumptive. Its like saying French food is the best in the world. Thus its only an opinion to think anime is any different from animation, but it is however a fact that any animation can be called anime because its the same thing.

Playmaker58 • 1 year ago

I kindly disagree with you. Every anime is animation but not every animation is anime. Here is definition of anime taken from the dictionary :
a style of Japanese film and television animation, typically aimed at adults as well as children.
As you can see Anime is merely a type of Animation. Staying with the food analogy, Sashimi and breaded fish are both made of fish, but you wouldn't call a breaded fish Sashimi just because it's made of fish. Why ? Because they're very different and therefore a distinction needs to be made. The same can be said for animation. And I know that in Japan anime just stands for any animation in general, but outside of Japan anime is referred to a style of animation. So calling Toy Story an anime might be right in Japan, but wrong in most other countries.

Deathstar699 • 1 year ago

Well that's their problem isn't it? They are not the ones making it so again to hold it to a specific standard is rather again presumptive. Especially when both Anime takes inspiration from the west and the west takes inspiration from anime. To say not every western animation not anime is an error in a person's literacy as Anime translates again directly to animation. Its fundamentally the same, so why does a person who doesn't make the anime or the word have a stake in its meaning? Just because they consume its content? Its again rather presumptive, its like assuming Indian curry is the only true curry and everyone else is just making imitations. Unless its defined that way by Japan itself I cannot agree with you, because their meaning and their stake on the word takes more precedence than what a bunch of randos who consume the content decide what it means.

Playmaker58 • 1 year ago

Presumptive ???? The word anime is borrowed from english. Anime is short for animation which is an ENGLISH word used by Japanese speakers. So how is it presumptive for english speakers to want to differentiate between "anime" and "animation" when both words come from their own language ? You're the one being presumptious here by saying that Japanese are more qualified to define a word that isn't even their to begin with. In fact english speakers are more qualified to define both words since they both come from english. (I know other languages use the word animation but the Japanese one was directly borrowed from english and is not inherantly a japanese word)

Deathstar699 • 1 year ago

Anime is not a contraction of animation, its an originally made up word, very presumptive for you to assume otherwise.

Playmaker58 • 1 year ago

You're dead wrong. I'll show you the evidence that anime is a contraction of animation. Taken directly from Wikipedia : The English word "animation" is written in Japanese katakana as アニメーション (animēshon) and as アニメ (anime, pronounced [a.ɲi.me] (listen)) in its shortened form. Not convinced ? This one is straight out of the Wiktionary :
Borrowed from Japanese アニメ (anime), an abbreviation of アニメーション (animēshon), itself borrowed from English animation.
There are literally millions of sources I could use to backup the fact that the word "anime" is a contraction of the word "animation". If you can prove to me (with facts and sources) that anime is not a contraction of the word animation then I'll be willing to consider your last post. But as of now, your last comment is an outright lie and show how little insight you have on the subject.

Deathstar699 • 1 year ago

Yeah I am not down for your nerdy AKTUALLY, phrase because it just proves my point further. People who put anime in some regard above animation are just elitist fools who don't understand the meaning behind the words. So please keep digging yourself in deeper.

Playmaker58 • 1 year ago

Yeah that's about the only right thing you said in our entire discussion, people who put anime above other types of animations are elitists fools, and I 100% agree with that. Let's end it here and skip over the stupid things you said like " Anime is not a contraction of Animation". Although you have 678 comments on Disqus I'm guessing you're a really busy person so I wont waste any more of your time. Anyway, have a good day.

Deathstar699 • 1 year ago

Not really a busy person, to be honest I don't even comment on discus much lately, but I always am open to sharing my 2c every now and again.

Nemesis Claus • 1 year ago

That is wrong, RWBY was an American anime. Now it is also a Japanese anime

K boy • 1 year ago

I don't really know what this is I just stumbled upon it but it's kind of interesting

Clawzes • 1 year ago

This is literally a recap to people who have watched volumes 1 - 8

unknown unknown • 1 year ago

ngl, i prefer the OG animation.

Zcorpious • 1 year ago

Your still here. Why does it still surprise me.

SixSouls • 1 year ago

"But even the most brightest of lights flicker and die"
Cuts to Pyrrha.


miey-chan • 1 year ago

Yeah, that was cruel 'forshadowing' imo :')

Captain_Conway • 1 year ago

"Its a terrible day for rain. . . "
"Its not raining."
"Yes. . . it is. . ."

Kevin Degering • 1 year ago

i dunno why but i had to laugh at that foreshadowing

Bloodyraven54 • 1 year ago

hmm i can't tell if they really did Rwby S1 justice or not......i really how they added the introduction to Rwby team in and also the new added character and new grim, but it even with 3 episodes in one, they cut alot that made characters stand out.....the scene with rwby at the store, the cave with jaun&pyhra, and the ending with penny. they also took out alot of the gags which makes feel more stale

one thing i can say i really love is when Ruby is fighting, its so freaking crisp

Dizastah • 1 year ago

Yeah they probably just showed the start and cut alot of it to make way for the new story. Since the original already exists and didn't want to use more time retelling the old one.

I mean if they kept everything and just added things then a lot of the story being told would be redundant for those who already watched RWBY. Though they should probably have left in more gags

Lost In Reverie • 1 year ago

I feel like they should've changed more if they wanted to make new content. It's just too fast paced this way and can hardly be a standalone.

Valkyrie • 1 year ago

There's some parts I like about the adaptation, some I dislike. Like the extra parts at the beginning of ch1 I think was good, made everything wrap up nicely together. But the animation isn't quite fluid and they skipped a fight that should've been shown in ch3. Also I dislike the new character's design, though her powers and stuff are on-point.

was definitely nice to see how Weiss got that scar and summon, as well as Tai, Zwei, how they visited Summer's grave etc

inoob26 • 1 year ago

How Weiss got her scar was in the White trailer for the original RWBY, it also features the same fight she got it from